Refrigeration Defrost Heaters

The design and manufacture of electric defrosting heaters is a need for which Indeeco has been an industry leader since 1929. We are ready to meet your defrosting requirements for commercial refrigeration equipment, to promote drainage and prevent freezing.


Product Inquiry

Straight Length Defrost Heaters

Electric defrosting of coils and evaporator pans for commercial refrigeration equipment. May be clamped to pipes or tanks to promote drainage and prevent freezing.

Cartridge Type Defrost Heaters

Electric defrost heaters designed for insertion directly into holes provided in coil fins.

Special Applications

Contact our factory for element diameters, wattages, and sheath lengths not listed in the product details for Straight Length or Cartridge heaters. Also, contact the factory for heaters that are available with many value-added options:

Custom cold sections

Elements available in copper, incoloy or stainless steel

Factory installed wire terminations

Inline fusing

Grounding wire welded to element sheath

Single ended or double ended molded waterproof terminals

Bimetal automatic limit control and/or fusible link molded in a waterproof mold for sheath temperature sensing

Closed Tank Heating

To maintain temp

To raise temp
Please enter a number from 1 to 100.

Watt Density

Percentage of Wattage

Need a quote?

We market our products through a nationwide network of representatives. Contact us today!

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