
Custom Duct Heaters

Custom Duct Heaters

Indeeco has a wide array of custom duct heaters available for all your heating needs. Our heaters and controls range from the simplest standard duct heater to the most sophisticated, custom designed comprehensive system. Indeeco’s attention to detail and rigorous testing give worldwide customers premium products. -Multi-Zone or Dual Duct Heaters: These heaters are designed for…

Standard Control Options for Electric Duct Heaters

Standard Control Options for Electric Duct Heaters

Indeeco developed the Control Option concept to maintain compliance with changing UL and NEC requirements and to stay current with new electric duct heater temperature control systems. The concept has also been broadened to include numerous “Special Features” to meet a wide variety of special requirements. Internal Wiring Copper wire with a minimum of 105°C…

WCI Series Wall Heater

WCI Series Wall Heater

Indeeco produces WCI Series fan-forced wall heaters that may require KW ratings to be higher and to have a quick recovery. These type of heaters will provide bursts of heat in areas that are affected by cold drafts or where the temperature fluctuates rapidly. Efficient Operation WCI Series wall heater operates by the fan drawing…

Choosing SCR or VERNIER Proportional Control Options

Choosing SCR or VERNIER Proportional Control Options

Indeeco’s Commercial Sales Manager, Rick Holmes, wrote this article on how to choose a SCR or VERNIER SCR Control. SCR Proportional Control SCR option is normally used when the total heater load is 96 amps or less. Master controller is used for heater loads of 48 amps or less with a Slave controller being added…

Marine Heaters

Marine Heaters

Indeeco has a long tradition of meeting the rigorous service requirements for marine heaters. Since just after our founding in 1929, we have been supplying marine heaters custom-crafted to military specifications as well as the demanding needs of our commercial customers. We offer safe, reliable heaters for many naval and marine uses. Marine Heaters Our…

Railcar Heater

Railcar Heater

The use of a railcar heater for tank car heating is essential for the transportation and unloading of a variety of fluids for manufacturing purposes. Many of these liquids, such a caustic soda, corn syrup, oil, or molasses, cannot be unloaded unless they are heated through means of a rail car heater or thawing system….

Slip-In Mounting vs Flanged

Slip-In Mounting vs Flanged

The installation of electric duct heaters can take one of two forms – flanged or slip-in mounting. If you are trying to compare and contrast slip-in vs flanged the following article will give you the basics. Existing Ducts For retrofits into existing ducts, flanged mounting like that available on the INDEECO QUZ model is usually preferred. With…

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